In 2016 I served teaching at the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary in Kiev, Ukraine. I taught my course Practical Theology of Worship, led songwriting workshops and a staff retreat. Our ministry also donated an acoustic-electric guitar, several books for their library, CD’s, songbooks and other music resources. This wonderful bible college is training the next generation of young adults to be musically skilled and spiritually anointed leaders.
Here’s some take away’s from my missions trip to Ukraine.
- Ukraine is a strategic nation.
- Largest country in Europe (land mass).
- Had a Revolution in 2013-14. Maidan massacre led to overthrow of corrupt president.
- Under attack by Russian separatists in Crimea
- Corruption is still a big problem, endemic to historical culture.
- Known as “the Bible Belt” of eastern Europe
- UETS sends missionaries all over Russian speaking areas of the world
- The students and staff are courageous, passionate, dedicated followers of Jesus.
My assignment
- Guest lecturer at the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary,
- Teaching in their Music Ministry and Theology Department.
- Essential Biblical Foundations of Christian Worship (3 lectures in the morning).
- Worship Music Composition and Songwriting Workshops (2 sessions in the afternoons).
- Coach, mentor, advise and encourage students and staff.
- Lead staff retreat in Lviv prior to the lecture series.
Scenes from my first day on campus.
- Beautiful student led worship.
- Breakfast, with eggs!
- Trying to understand worship lyrics in Cyrillic, which is the standard script for writing the following languages: Slavic languages: Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Rusyn, Serbo-Croatian (for Standard Serbian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin), Ukrainian.
- The logo of UETS (Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary).
Program Goals of the Music Ministry Department at UETS.
To provide churches with qualified musicians for worship teams and to develop spiritual and musical levels of ministers.
To provide musicians and worship team members with professional training for the most effective ministry to God.
Teaching Biblical Foundations
- Pic with second year students.
- Vova – one of the UETS worship theology instructors.
- Panel worship leading Q&A with Fred Heumann.
Songwriting Show & Tell
Donating Books To The Seminary Library
Guitar Donation to Music Department
Nashville Music City Caps Gift
Feedback from our week of ministering at the School of Music/UETS
Rob we give thanks to God for you and your partnership and friendship… your teaching was such a great blessing for our students! Also, I had no idea they could learn to write songs so fast!
Maryn, Director of the Music School at UETS
It was so strategic you were here. You have raised the standard. The students and staff were hugely impacted. They will continue to talk about it. Well done!
Fred Heumann, Instructor
For May 2017 I‘ve been invited back to teach at UETS and a Worship Conference in Ukraine. Ivalene and I will do this trip together. We also plan to minister in other European nations including possibly Hungary, Bulgaria and France during that trip. Other plans include Israel in the late fall.
Stay Updated!
I’ll post updates, praise and prayer reports on this secret Facebook group. Just click to join! (How cool is that?)
Rob Still Ministries will also be donating books, instruments and other resources. If you would be interested in helping fund the mission (our expenses for this trip – the whole month of May – will be about $7500.00), you can make a tax deductible donation here.